General Guidelines
The first diet to consider is a mental diet. Wrap up any loose ends at work. Arrange for pet care and other household duties. Settle any lingering tasks or responsibilities  If possible, arrange for some time away from daily family duties. Communicate with loved ones about your need for space and preparation time. Gradually reduce stimulating activities like watching movies. Embrace quieter moments in the days leading up to the ceremony Allow yourself to turn inward, much like preparing for a meditation retreat. Ensure all your affairs are in order before the ceremony this way, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience without worrying about the outside world. Remember, treating this preparation like you're getting ready for a peaceful vacation can make the process feel more natural and less daunting. By taking care of these details, you're creating the perfect setting for a meaningful and uninterrupted journey within.

Detox is the keyword
Regarding the food diet, Ayahuasca and diet is a widely discussed topic with varying opinions. Based on my personal experience spanning many years, I'll provide simple, practical guidelines. The primary goal before an Ayahuasca session is to avoid consuming large quantities of food that might clog your intestines. Ayahuasca can induce vomiting and intestinal cleansing, so for your comfort and to avoid spending the ceremony on the toilet, limit your food portions, especially the day before and on the day of the ceremony.The purpose of a pre-ayahuasca diet is to detoxify the body and align your mental and physical state to increase your body’s frequency. Ayahuasca tends to elevate your frequency, and the diet is intended to facilitate this process.

Use what works best you
Regarding dietary choices (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore), there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on individual philosophy and body type. Ayurvedic science for example recognizes three body types, while other medical systems or philosophies may have different concepts. What matters most is choosing what works best for you. However, due to the presence of MAOIs in ayahuasca, certain animal proteins and fermented foods are not recommended. Reducing sugar intake helps maintain glycemic balance, which has benefits that I'll explain a little further on.

Foods to Favor and Foods to Avoid
Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains- Chicken, fish, and eggs, beans and legumes, green vegetables and herbal teas are recommended. Abstain from fermented foods (e.g., soy sauce, fermented tofu), red meat, dairy products, spicy foods, processed and canned foods, alcoholic and sugary drinks. We encourage participants to choose their level of dedication in following the ayahuasca diet. Attempting to follow all dietary rules found online can be overly restrictive, so keep it simple and feasible.

Glycemic Balance
Diets like Keto and intermittent fasting can promote good insulin function, as long as you avoid the foods mentioned earlier. A dysfunction in insulin production is a common marker in many mental illnesses. Maintaining balanced blood sugar contributes to a balanced mind, allowing you to face intense emotional memories that may arise during the ceremony with greater resilience. Avoid fasting in the days leading up to the ceremony, as it can be counterproductive. Don't take extreme measures with your body. Be progressive and measured to avoid imbalances.

Moderate amounts of caffeine, dark chocolate, tea, sugar, spices, oils, especially raw olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil, are acceptable before your retreat. I really dont know why in some recommendations I saw online you should remove salt, as sodium is a crucial electrolyte that helps maintain proper fluid balance in the body and is necessary for optimal muscle and nerve function. Just don’t overdo your diet and you will be fine as for everything.

 My dietary guidelines for ayahuasca align with my daily life choices: organic food, pasteurized eggs, and grass-fed beef when consumed. Clarified butter (ghee) is excellent. For oils, I prefer those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. I avoid seed oils and rarely eat deep-fried foods. However, each body is different, so listen to yours.

I personally stopped drinking coffee but still enjoy morning tea. I drink alcohol occasionally, mainly wine and in limited quantities. But only when I don't have ceremonies planned in the near future. The goal of reducing stimulants is to prepare yourself for deeper work with Ayahuasca. Everyone should aim to improve their daily diet without going to extremes.

I strongly advise stopping cannabis use at least three weeks before the ceremony. Cannabis inhibits the pineal gland, which is crucial for working with Ayahuasca. Continued use can limit your experience and require higher doses to achieve the desired effects. If you can't stop cannabis use, I won't be able to accept you for a ceremony. However, I suggest trying cannabis at the end of the ceremony for a different perspective on this master plant. This has shown positive results for those with cannabis addiction.

Antidepressants and Other Medications
Antidepressants and other medications prescribed for mental illnesses can pose significant problems. If you have certain mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, ayahuasca may not be suitable. For those with depression, stopping medication 2 to 5 weeks before the ceremony is necessary depending on the molecule. For all other medications mention them all when you fill out the health questionnaire, and we'll address concerns on a case-by-case basis.

Sex Diet
I do recommend to abstain from sexual intercourse and self sex before a ceremony at least a week or more, depending on your ability to do so. It has proven to be very effective in my experience. It will help you ride the tiger. Kundalini awakening can happen during Ayahuasca ceremonies. It will help you to harness this powerful energy and become aware of its more subtle variations while it starts moving up your spine. Again, if you can’t maintain it completely don't make a problem out of it. Just do your best.

Physical activity is an essential component of your preparation. The lymphatic system is crucial for detoxification and It only relies on physical movement for circulation. I strongly recommend regular physical activity, with a minimum of two hours of walking per day. Personally, I prefer HIIT exercises, but the most important thing is to choose an activity that suits you.

To support detoxification before the ceremony you can use these supplements:

1. Psyllium Husk: You can Take one tablespoon in the morning 3 days before the ceremony in order to stimulate your bowel movement and minimise discomfort during the ceremony but also to improve your microbiome.

2. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine): Take up to 2 or 3x600 mg daily for a week before the is ceremony. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, one of the body's most powerful anti-oxydants. By increasing glutathione levels, NAC helps neutralise free radicals, reducing oxydative stress and cellular damage. It works better when combined with vitamin C. You can also take directly liposomal L-Glutathione.

3. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): This lesser-known supplement enhances cell permeability, potentially aiding in toxin removal. Take it for a week before the ceremony, starting with 1 gram daily. You can gradually increase  up to 6 grams daily (in two intakes preferably, start with 2 grams) Drink at least half a liter of water after each intake.  It is a fantastic anti-inflammatory.

4. An OMEGA 3 balanced diet (especially EPA and DHA) is a must when you prepare for Ayahuasca but not only. Apart from being essential component for your heart, these 2 are also the main food for the hippocampus a part of our brain that plays a crucial role in resilience. Particularly in how individuals respond to stress and adversity. Research indicates that this brain region is integral to various emotional and cognitive processes that contribute to stress-related disorders. prefer algae based extracts vs fish oils as fish oils extracts will very often produced heartburns.


Medical and mental Conditions
Remember, these are general guidelines. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen. Especially if you have issues such as diabetes or other ailments that might be impacted by a diet change. Before we accept you in a ceremony you will also need to fill a questionnaire detailing all the issues related to your eventual physical and mental health issues.